Tuesday 16 July 2013

Essential Tips for Launching Your New Hotel or Café Business

Hello friends,          

This article is for those people who are fresher in business and wants to step in hotel industry.
I have given here every single step you should consider before you even start thinking of starting your business..

Who is going to look after your hotel: - 

Guys please note this is not a part time business. If your thinking like you will continues your job and somebody from your family, friend will look after your hotel then sorry that doesn't work.
In such case that person should be trustworthy and should be capable of running your business.

No easy money: -

A Hotel is open for almost 6 days a week and 12 hours a day 
so do not consider this as easy money source.

Plan your budget:- 

Before you consider all the points required to plan your budget let me tell you most important thing first.
There are two methods for starting this business

Start of in big way: - 

This method includes big shop with lavish furniture great interior ac, TV, music system 
creating excellent ambience so that customer will get that feel good kind of atmosphere. But for this method you will require large investment and large investment include large risk factor.
An if you’re a beginner in this business this could be the risk.

Second method:-  Ready to go method :- 

In this method you just need to buy really very necessary thing and start your business as soon as possible you doesn’t need to have lavish furniture or interior a decent decoration of shop an your all set to go . I will suggest this method for beginner ex. Small fast food corner.

Consider below points before planning your budget: -

1: Rent of shop or cost of shop.
2: Money required to complete all the illegal formality ex. food license, business license, rent agreement etc.
3:Amount of money you want to invest in interior designing of your hotel or café.
4: Cost of devices you have to buy for your hotel ex., TV, fridge, cold storage, Owen. 
5: Electric bill, employee salary. 
6: Raw material etc.
Most imp thing is if you don’t have any other source of income invest only 30% to 40% of your over all saving in set up of your hotel or cafe.
As say remaining 30% will be required for maintains cost of your hotel. This money will be required to run your hotel, this include employee salary, electric bill, raw material etc. As you will not earn profit from first month.
So if you don’t have big financial back up start with small hotel and as you grow, invest your profit again in your business and let your business grow...

Location :- 

Have you ever notices where is all big hotel, MacDonald, Coffee shops are  situated.
Mostly you will find these hotels or shops side by a high way, in the mall, market, around collage, nearby railway station.
All these are situated there because you will not have to reach for customers they are always around you; you just have to attract them, so make sure your hotel should be located at such areas. 

Decide your menu card: - 

This is the task which you have to perform very carefully because this is the thing from where you get all the profit.
You have to discuss with your adviser, partner or staff that what is the cost of any product for you. Then you have to add your margin in it and then decide actual cost to be display on menu card. If you want, you can take help of professionals for this. Because if you don’t have menu card with correct prize, you will not even come to know that where all money come and gone.

Advertisement : -

In this modern world if you ignore this point you cannot achieve any success in any field.
To understand advertizing strategy of hotel or cafe you can visit any big hotels or MacDonald, any CCD shops see how they display their product.

Advertisement is of various types ex.

Inside your hotel or cafe: - In this you can use photos, flex, paper models or even balloon to display your schemes, products.

Outside your shop: - This includes Large lighting electric display board,
big standee flex etc.

Door to door: - This includes trendy pamphlet of your café/hotel that should be distributed across city.

 Keep your stock up-to-date: -

Manger of your hotel should maintain list of all raw material and buy it from whole seller before it get finished.
You should never face a situation where customer want some menu and you will not able to deliver it ,remember that’s a negative publicity.

Security: - You should always keep an eye on your staff and on your manager, do weekly, daily audit use security camera, cupan machine to make sure all the profit goes to your bank account and not to your employs or manager’s pocket.

I hope this will help you keep reading J


  1. Thank you Sir, Excellent Tips... !!
    Thank you for sharing your experience.
    Thank you for kind information, this is good information for fresher in this business..!!

  2. Really great bud... Very wisely penned.

  3. Very nice and helpful Nilkanth Ji!!
